WordPress Calendar Plugins: Availability, Appointments, BookingsWhen searching for the right WordPress calendar plugin, you’ll want to start with your own checklist of features. I hope this post will…Feb 9, 2021Feb 9, 2021
The benefit of running a vacation rental site on WordPress?Renting out your property as a short-term vacation home or hotel? Exploring WordPress? I’ve been in WordPress for over three years now…Aug 25, 2020Aug 25, 2020
Building Custom Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress: How Challenging Is This?I’ve seen many small studios and developers who are ready to ditch the most popular WordPress page builders once Gutenberg is mature…Jul 8, 2020Jul 8, 2020
Direct Hotel Bookings or OTA: Which One Is for Your Hotel Business?Booking.com, TripAdvisor, Expedia… Hoteliers are lured by their money and power, these companies seem too important to ignore.Jun 9, 2017Jun 9, 2017